i looked out...

i looked out and thought i spotted something in the distance
your nearness, a pliable absence
a sigh so audibly loud in the quietness
leaving an uncomfortable grip in the chest, a tightness.
yet, the physical torture of your absence knows not to supersede
the anticipation of what today holds... knows to exceed
any stillness that a night of solitude did know to leave
rather, a tingle of a new adventure give.

out, out there....i can feel it, i can see it, smell the scent of sweet liberties
of mind and body , delicious probabilities...
a surrender of the most sincerest sort
entwined in limb and thought.
no absence , a presence not required
for, in my imagination, the essence of u...an image never retired,
a lover , the muse of  perfect fantasies 
the main character of all sensually seductive possibilities.

from the hazy holds of sleepiness to travel free,
focused, my eyes begin to clearly see,
the space in my head, my space no matter where...
to surrender to unlimited fantastical realities does dare.
there be no boundaries to what can be,
there be no boundaries  to u and me,
we live in all i know to be real
eyes open or shut...here or not...u, i feel.


why limit the beauty of subconsciousness or consciousness
knowing not in existent thought to be monogamous,
to lend myself to views of society, a willing paralysis...?...
to surrender myself ...fuck no...such societal indignities...!!...
where hypocrisies of so called perfect relationships destroy
wearing away the very fibre of self, the ploy...
why should i myself with such lies annoy
why pretend to be of action coy?
forward i lean with zeal and zest
the idea of how i shall u devour does behest
a sincerity, a honesty of what i feel
no matter the chagrin that society my way will deal.
the heart beats strong the body light
a peaceful serenity knows to delight 
the core of my reality in sleep or wake
in truth of self...to partake.




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