where have u been???

"...hey u out there
care to share
where u have been
long time not seen!"

"...i have been travelling my meandering thoughts that led me on and on
not realising how long i have been gone.
and in my absence those thoughts took route deep into my reality
that to this new and exciting path taken, given a gravity.
i have always said that much the universe bestows upon us without warning
never aware that the places we find ourselves are meant to be our calling
the need to be schooled in ways and thoughts different
even ways new that before, we might have viewed abhorrent.
the moulding, the fine tuning of dreams dreamt before ones birth
those that haunt us and make us wish deep, every waking hour wishing to unearth
then all of a sudden the Epiphany, the understanding of what it may all be about.
and thus, begins the dawn of a new morning
new paths found, new successes dawning
old challenges laid to rest and new ones on the horizon
for, if the old ones i did conquer, then the new ones me, shall further enlighten..."



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