No demand

How difficult to tear oneself away
How difficult to not ignore the shout of responsibility and stay
To keep the call of work at bay
To remember it aint bad at all, even though it be Monday. 

Secluded, purposefully lost
In the lusciousness of a garden , mine 
Impossible to find words to define
The peacefulness and serenity, the presence of the Divine
That knows not in the presentation of Mother Nature, anything confine.

Fertile rich generously rewarding
Flirtatious and inviting,  of one's senses courting
The misapprehension to go forth and the week face, thwarting
For the promise of being there on my return, calming.

Imprinted on my whole being all that She knows to be
Telling me to go forth the world around me see
With eyes bright heart abundant mind naughty and free
And all those that share my closeness to welcome with joyous glee.

And thus
Good morning new week, I see u, I hear u, I feel u complete!



  1. Just love your words - we must meet again soon as I am emigrating when my plot is sold.


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