a love letter

(constant contact -  internet)

a love letter from one lover to another
(inspired by watching a couple i have known for a long time who still share that magic as if they had only met yesterday) 
i watch u hunger and thirst, not for the sexual intimacies that we may share
more...for that soft look in my eye...
that lingering touch when my hand rests on your arm.
i sense your need that i too,
will gaze upon u,
with adoration in my eyes, much bigger than the word love could ever define.
u wish not for my words
my closeness and that comfort in the surrender of my form
as it melds and melts itself into your shape .
your arms around me speak volumes, sincere in their enveloping 
of me...whole.
the release of breath as u hold on and hug and hug and...hug me.
and all i know to do
disappear in u.
i too, hunger and know that hunger...that thirst
for when i look at u....u are the mirror image of all i feel.

Prose accompanying the image above
Solomon's Song of Songs. " Oh, kiss me, touch me with your lips; your love tastes better than any wine. You smell better that any perfume; even the sound of your name smells sweet-- no wonder they all love you!.....For your love is better than wine, your anointing oils are fragrant, your name is perfume poured out; therefore the maidens love you. Draw me after you, let us make haste. The king has brought me into his chambers. We will exult and rejoice in you; we will extol your love more than wine; rightly do they love you..... Do you have a shady place where you rest in the heat of day? I want you; I don't want to spend all day wandering around among your friends, wearing all these clothes in the heat of day....Arise and come, my pretty darling, come away with me!......Winds of the south and winds of the north, wake up and blow now: breathe through my garden, drive him mad with my fragrance, draw him into my garden; let his tongue stop its talking, let him taste my choice fruits..... Oh, you daughters of Jerusalem, I swear to you-- if you find my lover tell him-- Tell him what? Tell him I am dizzy in love. ......I came to my lover hungering, as he came to me.........." Song of Songs, 1:1-3, 7, 2:13b, 4:16, 5:8, 6:3
The Inclusive Bible, the First Egalitarian Translation 



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