i believe...it can be done
it was time to sit down and have a conversation,
to use the depths of ones imagination,
where, worlds different, do know to stir an inner being
an inner being more receptive...more seeing.
it was time to look around and ponder at the fear and fatigue that many did wear down,
with concern look at the puckered brow, the deep frown,
to feel the spirit so heavy and tired,
to all the wrong things, sensationalised , the inner self wired.
and thus a smile deep, sincere and welcoming those lost in tension,
those scared to let go holding on to apprehension,
forgetting that tomorrow may not come by ,
allowing each gifted day not to enjoy, ones own state of wellness deny.
it is not wrong to find joy and see the best no matter the state of affairs,
blessed and most resilient is the one that dares,
to acknowledge and recognise when things may be in turmoil and seriously scary,
yet, flit around and spread hope , most promising faith deep to those wary.
let us not turn a blind eye and ears deaf to a gift granted to all,
the global society, although brought to its knees, to keep in check ones arrogance, the call,
for we have marred and raped and maimed uprooted and killed beauty that was given to us for free,
and yet, she has stayed on and come back stronger than ever before, once again, handing us the key...
to be more compassionate and caring custodians of all she is on this fine earth
to date, understanding and responsibility toward her, a dearth ,
Mother Nature... we salute u in staying around and giving us a another chance
to try work on our selfcentric gluttony and find a most needed balance.
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