a blessing in disguise

i see u dearest one, your mind a travelling far...
so comfortably on the sofa moulded not wanting your peace to mar,
your eyes all dreamy your body lax
i feel that which holds u bound knows not your thoughts to tax.
a tinge of envy at what i see for, far away u feel
and thus to simply sigh and wish some of your thoughts to steal.
out, out, out... there i look and imagine what it could be
that spills forth in your imagination that in your minds eye u see,
selfishly i wish all thoughts be of what we know to share,
selfishly i want a kaleidoscope of my image your imagination to flare.
and when u drift back to where i am , all hazy look at me,
in your eyes adoration is all i wish to see....
that sort that knows to rock ones core,
that sort that knows to burn and all logic simply floor,
that sort that makes it hard to breath,
that sort that bewitches, a grip on ones heart does weave.
a romantic fool i know to be and love the tracks it leaves,
these wishes that make me sigh , heavy my bosom heaves...
but, a fool to love of any sort i find a blessing most wondrous
for, it only knows to make one shine more joyous and more lustrous.


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