let us have a conversation
let us have a conversation about what is to come,
i am sure u know, that not all things will be fun
there will be experiences that weigh heavy on one
that will make the clouds loom darker and hide away the sun.
so easy to pretend and, be a romantic,
nothing wrong with that but, add in the pragmatic...
is there such a thing as a pragmatic romantic?
why not?...a lethal combination...enigmatic?
positive of thought every action must show,
no matter the challenge to not go with the flow,
mediocrity ain't gonna reflect that inner glow
u know u ain't made, the line of uncertainty to toe.
every year a new bud a blossom in the making,
as time passes a flower revealing,
the hard work, the toil, the belief no longer possibilities concealing,
the dreams slowly but, surely a reality pleasing.
they say there is a time and place for what shall be,
to lay the foundation and in the future to see,
persistence and faith , the understanding to ....damn!!!....keep going,
for soon, ones cup shall be overflowing.
so...don't forget to be a pragmatic romantic,
why not in everything u do in thought be exotic,
colour your world beautiful with ideals u know can be,
fly higher than ever before , success be yours , have faith and soar free!!
2019 has just begun...but, not to forget...it is simply a continuation of all the sweat and tears of 2018...a foundation laid...don't let it go to waste...make it count!
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