internet commands

 an indulgence in words, written by many over periods and periods of time,
a share revealing , a share stirring the cockles of ones heart, be no crime,
the masters of dramas... tragedies... comedies... life on a stage,
knowing not to lose its charm its ,intrigue with the passing of time and age.
a desire churning 
an intense deep yearning
in the nether lands of my mind does burn,
a hunger nibbling
success from the corners of my mind dribbling
how i cannot wait this eagerness into a tangible success turn.
the smell of words on paper between the cover of books knows not,
to lose its heady invite a fan for life begot,
a fan a disciple of paper and pen be i,
the old ways carry their charm and thus myself i cannot deny.
transcript-ed be that scribble that hurried write,
an idea imagined that through my mind took flight,
away tap the fingers on a keyboard technology now demands
for, to capture a far reaching audience quick! quick! the Internet commands.



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