
I sat and reflected on the injustices of political systems in the world...even so-called democracy, bandied around as if it would be the saviour of inequality, coming to the aid of societies at the mercy of the duly elected armed with the power of propaganda .

Those that preach a powerful game of promises, having psychologically studied the political arena in order to 'abuse', for the sake of votes, known to sway the poor masses suffering at the tyranny of parliamentarian greed and stolen wealth , winning the desperate and needy , most definitely the majority of the citizen, misinformed and sadly, uneducated.

Democracy is the biggest most powerful lie used to make societies believe that the power is in their would hold truth if, each voter would be honest and sincere as to why they place the cross next to the party elected.

I sat and reflected on the possibility that voting , although claimed to be emotionless and a carefully considered choice to bring about growth, stability and long term sustainability, is far from rational and rather a dictated choice, playing on ones fears, guilt's, the desire to be politically correct, a hope...subconsciously aligning oneself to the story best told...the version that best represents ones aspirations for the citizen of the country.

For the citizen of the country...?....the problem being that ones own aspiration may be bullshit to another and visa versa...and sometimes that aspiration is so watered down, settling for mediocrity for, something is better than nothing.
I sat and reflected at the possibility that society has become so greedy, so lost, so self-centred....all about me, myself and i....that ones neighbour no longer features nor wears down ones energies instilling empathy or sympathy, that thriving world economies are not based on this 'age of aquarian' concept for, peace would mean global unity, a sort of utopia...the most unrealistic concept ever...?...
Because we, as a global civilisation are more centred on our differences making democracy an aspiration...the biggest lie ever...given power and meaning by those blinded by their anger, past histories and stubbornly subservient to dictatorial orators.

and thus....

You know those lovely dreams you've had, of a world where ...
  • kindness, honesty, and peace are the rule rather than the exception
  • everyone is respected and cared for, and differences are celebrated
  • the whole world is united in common goals
  • spiritual wisdom is the shared ideal

That's what the Age of Aquarius is all about!(quoted from wicca school)

a fanciful utopia spoken about in fairy-tales.



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