does one dare to be honest?

Does one dare to sit down with oneself and face the music? 
Does one dare to ask uncomfortable questions and have the integrity to be brutally honest with oneself? 
Would there be a purpose to such a head on collision with self?
I sometimes wonder, if honesty is the best policy for to be honest would mean, many a time, to not be in favour with the rest of the world.
Why is it that mankind cannot survive with brutal honesty? 
Why is it that mankind has found this acceptable thing called 'white lies'...the purpose being to not hurt another...?...and possibly oneself?
Have we deviated off the path of truth to such an extent, that, we no longer have the courage to face the music and deal with the shitty bits in our lives? 
Is it, that we have fallen so far down the rabbits hole, that we no longer know what the truth looks like?....confusing our delusional self created truth for the real deal? 
Have we befuddled the balance of all things that we know not to get back to that point of being sincere and taking ownership of the crap one creates in ones own life?
Or...could it be that that is the only way mankind knows to survive...for if every wrong had to be faced and every incorrectness had to be admitted to....what would be the result? Would there be a continuation of good things or would they be jeopardised and destroyed by a falter , a stumble in a moment of weakness not to be repeated again?....for...does man know to exist without faltering and stumbling?
To know when to be honest? To know when to face the music? 
I believe that many a circumstance can be avoided if mankind had the integrity and sincerity of being honest with oneself . It is easy to excuse ones own wrongdoing and blame it on anything else but oneself. 
Even if the world were at fault, then being intelligent of mind...are humans not?... and strong of willpower ....for humans can be? should then be able to, face and admit, and take the bull by the horns, and with the best of intent and desire, be honest about the wrongdoing, and rectify it , leaving ripple effects that leave no  scars.
Is that possible?...for there will always be somebody who will be in the firing line...and thus the birth of white lies and excusing ones behaviour and evading brutal honesty?
Could a brutally honest person be said to be without tact or feeling?....and...could a person resorting to evading the truth be called a liar?....
all depends how one sees oneself....
does one dare to sit down with oneself and face the music...
does one dare to ask uncomfortable questions... RB. 



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