she is ...quantum physics

 when being kept on ones toes
interest knows
to stir and make wonder
and further ponder
if in her to indulge
what would she divulge.

for deep and mysterious, times confusing
a fiery moment not diffusing
rather, she knows sleeping embers to stir
emotions real hot ,desires throbbing to spur.

she knows to keep the mind thinking
fantasies willing
to titillate and tease
and with calculated precision please...
and at times withdraw
her manicured finger pointing at the door
a ferocious lover displeased
of all sanity having her lover... de-fleeced .

and then, like angel with open arms
to welcome him back with her wily charms
for,  something new has cropped up in her beautiful head
her despotic mind to rest, a choose instead.

she knows to be as grounded and nurturing as mother earth
to the most wondrous give birth,
she knows to be the force of the strongest gale
across ferocious and challenging moments to sail,
she knows to be a raging volcanic fire
to ignite hope and spur success when the need be dire,
she knows to be the fiercest of oceans
cooling, supporting, assisting in the ebbing of challenging emotions.

and thus all the boxes she ticks
that possibly define...quantum physics.



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