the response # come kiss me sweet...

My post was... 
"...would u know to find me?
if still i lay and, held my breath..

good morning..."
and this is the response i have received from one of u...dearest contributors...i love it!!!
thank u!!

I would always know to find you
Under the sky, beneath the sea
Atop a mountain, below a tree or
Simply safe within your sanctuary

You may lie still,
As still as you please.
You may hold your breath,
As long as you please.

It will not avail you
I shall always trail you
I will smell you out
I will find you out

Deep will I kiss you till you gasp for breath
Lovingly will I caress you till you cannot lie still
Then our bodies hard we will meld together 
Our souls have in love been so joined for ever.


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