Setting of a Friday sun
And thus...the setting of a Friday sun,
The beginning of my personal and most private fun,
The sort that knows to please my need ,
The sort that knows my desires to feed.
A quiet, a solitude of the most indulgent sort,
Where the self in pleasures of the most decadent ,caught...
Where company kept be of the most chosen kind,
The sincerity of enjoying each other, a rare find.
Words to be few, all said in the touch,
A smile , a kiss gentle, never too much,
Meals to be cooked and eaten and shared ...
Tastebuds and senses to the ultimate flared.
No rush no hurry
No need of a flurry,
And, like Caesar and his court, mine will be the indulgence,
A personal orgy, of all things velvety and unrestrained convergence.
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