food for thought


and thus the questions...


does one know what love is..?

being able to distinguish the similarities

one could find

in intimacies

defined as infatuation

desire , gratification of self ?

and then...when all of the above knows to pass...

come the realisation that maybe the first

is the true love?


...i wonder...

love...for one, it may be one thing...for another...


very different. there a consistency as to the meaning of love?

does it hold same in all situations or do different people, one may be associated with, know to bring out a new and deeper understanding as to what love should / may be...? ...lifting the blanket of blindness ...a realisation that it had been there all the time, but missed due to selfish personal indulgences of feeling lost and unappreciated , unwilling to acknowledge that there be no mystery to love but, simply be a state of mind to look and see and acknowledge what others may have been trying to achieve and give back.

...i wonder...when is 'love' not love? ....but, merely a product of  lost grounded footing for loneliness knows to cleverly disguise reality and fool one into believing it is 'love'.




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