the evolution of sense...
when u hide behind a curtained lie, adhering to what the masses religiously chant is sense.
do u even know that there be broadness to the term sense?
defined by individual travels through experiences ?
knowledge gained and amassed through the courage to go forth on an adventure
of which many may state makes no sense.
what is it that makes u adhere to the flatulent noise of those that fear
the possibility that another reality may lie beyond the smallness of their world?...
their fear holding them robotic in thought and action
lest they look too colourful and different for those around them.
would the world shatter into a million pieces if u dared to imagine
that a different sense may exist...where ones senses come alive...through the consistent feeding
of nuances unknown, yet fantasised about and longed for...?
why not dip your toe into my sense...and feel the tinge of excitement
as it begins to climb up your foot, making your toes excitement growing...
all of a sudden...
have been boxed into a dark cardboard square trying to make others happy
in their delusion of what sense is all about.
oh do join me in a travel of sense and let us titillate yours senses
to the point that there be no turning back
for now...u sensually colourful , rich and rewarding
the exploration of sense can be. fantastical and vibrant the reality of living is....
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