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whats in a name
How important it is to be on ones best behaviour at all times. How important it is to be true to oneself and who one may be.
When one lives a lie through ones spoken word, through ones presentation of self...the probabilities of being caught out are ever in a constant grip of hesitant breathing, waiting for the axe to fall.
If one chooses to occupy a space derogatory, a space questioned and shunned by society, maybe for no other reason but, simply, because one fears the unknown, then would it not be right to educate and prove how wrong those are, that are looking in.
Being defined by hearsay, falling in the trap of adhering to that hearsay, and thus giving it credibility, is usually the trait of those who question their own self on various levels.
Not all are born under the same stars...some luckier than others, more fortunate at what may be at their disposal. Good fortune bestowed on them without much effort. But, that should not be a valid excuse for the rest of us, who do have to work hard at maintaining a life credible, a life fulfilling, to resort to questionable means tarnishing oneself beyond a 'come back'.
One may ask oneself....then what would be beyond a 'come back', beyond repair? beyond salvaging ones name. ....apart from the obvious henious crimes toward humanity and any other living creature.
Could it be something as simple as a lie, being a bully, deceit, support of those that lead to the degeneration of peace...? what would it be?
Does society know what morals and scruples are, or have they changed simply because we have moved the boundaries on so many things that it doesn't matter how one behaves anymore.
....whats in a name anyway...?
WHATS IN A NAME????.....everything that one may be....thus cherish and look after it like the unique diamond it matter the space one may occupy...even if considered derogatory by society.
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