the sum of two
he had opened the window for her to look into his world
wide... wider it went...his desires before her unfurled
a path they had taken together from a conversation held
her desire to show him, with, his desire to see... did meld.
slowly, not to frighten away his trust, in what she said
forward she leaned, their closeness, washing away the dread
for the unknown can always be a hindrance to the magic of true surrender
rather, the introduction of indulgent naked splendour.
like him, she let go and allowed herself to drop
and took him deeper into the watery velvetness of seduction, no stop
their minds did meet where the depth of passion does burn
not wanting to rise for breath but, for further absorption to yearn.
no longer the need to be defined as one
for the writhing and dipping be of two, the sum
a discovery of how wide a window, one can open
that journey new, by both chosen.
to allow their indulgence each other to free
in different ways themselves redefine and see
no further an observer, a ponderer of a fantasy
for now both of them knew in reality, the true ecstasy.
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