the thespian call

The thespian of drama, acting, a persona new. That ability and courage, yes courage, to let go and immerse oneself in a fictional character written and created by another. 
How telling it be if one is successful in portraying and drawing an audience, believably, into who one has become....drawing tears in moments of nostalgia, melancholy....a burst of laughter and a silly grin at banter light or the funny absurdity of truth. 
Where does that ability come from for it must be that one is drawing on a source, letting go of who one knows oneself to be and become another?
No worries in maybe forgetting who one may really be? all times aware of ones true inner core?...when speech and actions, idiosyncrasies that define the very self are sort to be eradicated for a short while and stifled for, another, must replace ones own.
Or, could it be one is best at playing a role, a character, a personality closets to that which one may harbour and hide deep within oneself? Could it be a go to place of another self and thus the guarantee of a successful portrayal of a so-called other?

One wonders are humans thespians without knowing? Always playing a role and adapting to what the script may require? A new environment, partner, a presentation of a possible venture, ever evolving movement in this very dynamic world of ours....

That constant self control to fit in to the role one has typecast oneself in , run as fast as all the other rats and even try run faster...and should one lose control of ones surrounding and life...will one be banished for who one may really be....losing the main character role only to be replaced by another?

The question...whose script and drama is one playing...and...who has written the play and cast the characters?

We are a product of our self?....and not simply of what may be around us?...

To know to live and be the best thespian, .. and most bravest and sincere thespian in ones own life...not an easy fete...but, it can be done.

for we like it or does require us to be on our best behaviour, for our own good, most of the time....

 last night a most of many...evenings at the theatre. I could only but marvel at the talent on stage. A casting done perfectly.

What a glorious Saturday it can only be!



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