candour of an ardent lover
why would one want to cheat ones senses
and deprive ones self
of sensuality raw
surrender complete?
to inhale and breath in the scent of a man,
his masculinity an aphrodisiac so pure.
to awaken that given to one at birth.
knowing to enjoy the purity of give and take
between a woman and man.
the respect shown in a feathery kiss,
a passionate meeting of lips upon flesh.
a touch so gently yet, searing and singing ones nakedness,
for it tells of burning yearnings
of needs aroused by the tease... display and invite
of... a woman .
why would one not accept the ardour of a lover
lost in his candour and fearless show of his desire to be taken.
a lover so yielding... unafraid to be eaten
by the touch of a woman.
how insanely beautiful
be the surrender of a man!!!
his masculinity in tact
vulnerable when in the gentle passionate seductive care
of a woman
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