it be with zest and zeal...yes!

 When sitting in company and hearing...i begin to ponder and say...

"At all times, never forgetting, who one may be, acknowledging ones core, no matter what others may think.
That ability to recognise what it is that makes ones heart beat, what knows to add verve to ones day.
Yet, at the same time, not making the mistake of dallying in mediocrity, losing oneself in procrastination and doubt.
Sometimes one may fool oneself as to what it is that gives meaning to ones space and well-being, all of a sudden stepping back and realising it for a hindrance, an uncertainty gnawing away at the fine fabric of ones peace and quiet.
It may have had its rightful place at one stage but, change...good change...change dynamic...can take us on another journey...and without realising it, one may be ones own worst enemy by fighting those changes.

 The ability to live in a moment real, no matter how unpleasant, and when required, be kindly accepting that change or adaption is needed.
Seasons know to make a tree, a flower...all living plants in Mother Nature...they know to die and they know to bloom...a cycle natural and eternal.
That plant knows its core, its characteristic never just knows to be ever beautiful and true to what it is...cycle after cycle.

So, to know to adapt and not lose oneself in what may be required, ever faithful to oneself, loving and caring...for can life not be beautiful and wonderful for every day it rises and every night it goes to sleep.

Zest and zeal...the words for today."



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