the inexcusable snip

a metaphorical poem
when perfection be expected
for she be called

"a rose be a rose by its name
the qualities associated with it, a right to claim
when cut off at the stem to pleasure give in a vase
be the scent and the appearance, the attraction its base?
what then when a wandering finger, a clasp wrong
a grip around the stem where it does not belong
and a thorn knows to prick sore
to draw some blood for sure
does its beauty diminish
the attraction to admire it vanish
when full well one knows
those thorns the rose proudly shows
and thus with its beauty associated be
a painful barb of a thorn, a controversy?
for how can something so delicate and beautiful
deliver such pain inexcusable...
should it not accept its fate to be cut off at its stem
the crowning jewel of all flowers a diadem?
but man has chosen that jewel to covet and deflower
with a snip! the hope to impose his power.
wait... does the rose not have a right to its thorns?
that fine sharp tip of the thorn warns
a poisonous jab delivered precise
a warning a defence against the unfairness of the snip!...concise.
how unfair
in the share
a rose does give
so much, in a vase to live
perfection sort in its name...the rose
the hypocrisy of mans behaviour in the snip!...shows."


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