Monday thoughts coy..?

 should i be coy in thought?
worried to be caught?
for my mind be unsettled
with images that have me rattled.
so long... too long... that u and i
have seen eye to eye
for far away be u in presence,
my loins ache, in your absence.
all of a sudden, a message at night
no longer that yearning need to fight,
closer does time bring u to me
how indulging i shall be! my thoughts set free.
first...i shall devour u with my eyes
our hankering to each other in lustful look, ties.
an urgent need to kiss your mouth deep
to further awaken my desires, too long asleep.
i shall climb all over your naked form
to what i need u shall conform
to grip me closer, closer than close,
in that embrace my urgency diagnose.
my mind and body be in love with u
dalliances so telling of that passion that burns within, too few...
and thus your return over and over
heartily welcomed, for erotic passions does know to uncover.



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