a journey, a discovery unexpected...part 1.

"I need a space to breathe." he said.
She watched him arrive, having had the opportunity of meeting him once before. Yet, there seemed to be a familiarity as if she had known him many many moons ago. That first cup of coffee, an unexpected share, a conversation held...revealing, sincere and direct. How it came about she didn't care to examine.
There was a painful emptiness in his eyes. His voice clipped, sounding impatient and angry at times. It amused her that he seemed to take offence to her casual remarks on some of the things he said. It was as if, he expected her to agree with everything he had to say.
She gathered, very quickly, that his work space must be one where his decision held sway and that many did not dare to question him much, unless they were 100% sure that it was worthy of consideration. A position held that carried much responsibility and much frustration.
She wasn't wrong.
She thought, how interesting that, ones professional life knew to influence ones social and personal life, no matter how hard one tried to keep it at bay. He did not strike her as a man who didn't know to keep his work away from home. But, some things just knew to creep in and make that ugly difference.
A man of good standing, one would classify as very successful and many would envy. A family life content and without any major challenging ripples affecting that peaceful existence between him and his wife. Like any other couple, they had their fall-outs but, easily sorted out and life continued.
So, what was the issue?
What drove him to the edge so many times? What was it that made him question where he was going and what value did all of it hold.
Maybe things were just too easy. Maybe something was wrong with him. What he didn't know, was that his wife was in the same boat as he.
She allowed him his arrogant arrival and without much fuss, made him a cup of strong coffee. He accepted it without question and plonked himself on her sofa. She smiled. He had never been to her place before and there he was acting as if it was quite natural and in order to invite himself to her space.
She wondered if he even registered his surroundings. She wondered if he cared to do so. He was lost....lost in thought.
"You don't mind me being so rude." more a statement than a question. It would have made no difference if she had said otherwise.
There had been no intent of striking any type of relationship with this man. So her purpose of allowing him into her space came from another angle and it did not seem to concern him. She would ask him one day, when the time was right, why did he trust her so and strike up the beginning of the strange liaison that was to follow.
What she had before her was the perfect subject to bring back to life through his journey of self discovery and realisation of how emotionally jaded he had become.
But, now, to allow him his space....to allow his curiosity to peak...to win his trust....to let him breath.

....this be the beginning of a search, a discovery unexpected, a road travelled for both him and her.....(to be continued.)



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