critical eye...forgiving mind.

 would one call it being in-love with oneself?
what if, allowing that self absorption
where the intent be not one to admire
to scrutinise and watch with a critical eye.
an eye critical yet kind and accepting...
forgiving be the mind
if, the eye be too critical
in being too concentrated as to the imperfections
that are definitely there.
then all of a sudden, finding the image
a perfect match to the self that beats within that physical form.
a mind vast...vast in the knowledge
that it be OK to be 'in-love' with oneself
to love oneself
without being arrogant
or suffering a loss of self in the superficiality of appearance.

lest one forget...the exterior does know to deteriorate...worse than the imperfections one may be very aware of.

no need though, for a deterioration of love
toward oneself....if that be the case...then others will follow suit.



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