the fight to understand humanity and humaneness
A 'work of art'... a happening over a period of time and the consequences and ripple effects on lives within a close knit community.
How easily society becomes influenced by the rhetoric of those that are the loudest, especially those in power who have something to gain, or, have the need to save face.
The longer one repeats and listens to sources claiming a false truth, the harder it becomes to have the courage or faith and belief to fight back and reclaim the right of the real truth.
How important it is to have those who care to recognise and challenge and question hearsay, for, that is what it is, if one receives information via a third party.
Accepting it without question or care, even if there be a niggling feeling that all may not be right, preferring to follow the masses and take it on as a personal attack and wrong-doing, giving it life and power.
Justice...does justice know to be fair...?...questionable for many a time it be defined by a person or group of people, twisted and gnarled in such a way, to satisfy their lust and hunger for remedies personally satisfying.
A tedious road it may be, to try and understand humanity...but if we do not try, then how would we ever know compassion, understanding, humility and being charitable of nature.
To be righteous of Spirit, knowing to be non-judgemental is a trait very, very... very, few humans possess.
And the 'work of art' i am referring to...
a series called... 'Rectify'... available on Showmax.
Simply...brilliant. matter how flawed we may be as humans, no matter our weakness and temptations faced...somehow...should we choose...we know how to find that grain within us that knows to fight for survival and strive toward acknowledging the value of life and living it the best way we the most just of ways.
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