to tick off all the boxes

how many boxes need to be ticked off should we indulge in an affair sensual?
are there timelines and boundaries that are eventual?
do we indulge in bodily pleasures only?
concentrating on satiating those hungry lustful pangs solely?
what happens if thoughts become deep?
what happens if memories of sexy indulges, torture sleep?
what happens when a shiver down the spine does run?
for no longer be it simple bodily fun?
when does one cross that forbidden bridge? 
unaware that one be treading dangerously on Loves ridge?
how foolish to imagine the body, mind and heart
can be separated and kept apart.
a lover attentive, a lover sensual
to fall in the eventual
and thus...that one box...that cannot be ticked off
most important of my it, i shall not scoff.




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