critics not worthy

 And this inspired by a conversation had with a soul questioning of self, due to those who think themselves worthy of being critical of another, yet, falling very short of perfection themselves.
And why would a person stand in criticism of another that has the courage to state the blatant truth...only because they most probably have identified themselves as the problem.

To have courage takes courage...and where to find that courage?

"to lay myself
for your scrutiny

would there be a mutiny

of my carefree nature
to just let go.

some have called me stupid
for being so

in the hope that my spirit would be broken

and yet,
to succeed, at that mammoth task.

how vile and small be the mind
of those labelled the lost kind
for the light to them will still seem dark
paranoid pessimism be their mark.

to be an optimist in life
at times considered a strife
how often to have ones faith challenged
in the wake of happenings unbalanced.

to know to never let go
no matter the challenge, the best of oneself show
does it really matter
what others may natter
for is it not about self worth
giving the critics a wide berth
and thus with mirth
the critics shortcomings unearth."



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