wishful bullshitters

To find oneself in a space least expected. And all of a sudden to realise, that maybe, one has not taken a wrong turn, and that the path one may find oneself on, carries much reward.
To identify possibilities and opportunities waiting to be harnessed. To educate oneself through research, gaining a deeper understanding as to the space occupied, its challenges and requirements. Hearing from others...but, being selective as to information received. There will always be that which will look to slow one down or place disbelief in the initial excitement of a potential new project.
Pioneers daring to dabble in the questionable, challenging, looking for solutions where many have failed and thus given up, makes that success even bigger. Spaces, where most consider a waste of time to even try to rectify, yet, their failure affects society to such an extent that it breeds poverty, alliance with atrocities unimaginable such as human trafficking, drug abuse and distribution, alcohol abuse and gambling.
Society is prone to desperate measures when flailing to find a solution immediate. Society is prone to support illegal activities, believing that only the weak and stupid allow such a space to thrive thus their support thereof through turning a blind eye.
The hypocrisy of society is sickening for the majority perpetuates the disbelief that things cannot turn around for the better in many instances and that a space questionable cannot have a positive spin and bring many out of the gutter.

But then again. What or who is society.
We are society.

And to be a rebel in society a pariah shunned it takes....
To stand firm in the adversity of the disbelievers.
To know ones worth and capabilities.
To become that which is the target and the goal.
And along the way, to never forget the reason for the path taken.
To never forget to reach out to that space and those occupying it.
To never forget that adversity, was never too big nor scary to stand in the way of ones success.

And in all of that, to give hope and understanding to others...one is who one wants to be. To know to reach out to the right people for their are good Samaritans that will give of themselves...as long as one truly is what one says...for good Samaritans are not stupid....false representation and simple laziness cannot go hidden and is easily recognisable as are wishful bullshitters.



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