to know to associate oneself

To know to associate oneself with those that can teach one a thing or two.
To know to associate oneself with those who can show one a thing or two...when their wisdom and knowledge is not simply defined by a degree or diploma. When the person shines through, due to who they are...what has made them and what is still defining them...a mystery, yet so tangible that one wishes to know, to hear.
To know that colour or gender or creed does not make a person. To know, no matter the choice, some, one may have had the freedom to choose, while others were cast upon one, still leaves the door open to choose a path travelled.

When those that stay sturdy and strong, when those no matter the temptation the praise the accolades loud, never forget their beginnings, never take forgranted that they are just one of all other humans inhabiting Planet Earth.
Their voice loud in their consistent quietness, their level headed-ness, their presence. They are in the forefront of a life stable, no matter the turmoil. They understand life with all its upheavals. Never seeking fame loud and brash...yet they are always remembered, spoken of, asked about.
Those are the people that can make a difference, big or small. They come from all walks of life. they are born to all sorts of environments and parents. their path travelled varied.

To know to associate oneself...with a person who has no fear to stand for what be right even if the masses care to stay blind or cower for fear of being singled out.

To know to fight a a war with the minimum of casualties, for casualties there will always be....

...and why those casualties?  Many answers to that one...a conversation deep, a conversation philosophical on the intricacies of life and choices and the dynamics of an ever changing society.



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