what is it that defines us

 Are we defined by our skin colour. Are we defined by our gender. Does our education define the whole of us. Our possessions and space occupied...is that a true reflection of who we may be?
The way one speaks, behaves, who one associates oneself with. 
Would one be any different if one had to walk in another's shoes.
And as time ticks by, and life dynamic happens.. finding oneself in another time, another space...when looking back, was that the space one had hoped to occupy.
Had life been kind, ones efforts rewarded, acknowledged.
Did it happen as one wished or did circumstance uncontrollable take reign leading one on another path less defined, less revered, less desirable.
 And should one have occupied a space such, was it due to circumstance or ones own doing.  But, once that journey had been reached, what then. Then, again...what is it that drives one to a road better travelled...or not.
A desire to be defined as one wishes...rather than giving up.
Be it colour. Be it creed. be it gender. Who one is and how one is defined really lies in the hands of one self...no matter the circumstance, no matter the space, no matter the challenge.
To be.
To be the best one can....for riches of all sort and accolades deserving will come hand in hand when ones intent and desire is honourable, has integrity and cares to leave a positive ripple effect on others and the environment one occupies.

But then the question begs....a society unfair where prejudices of all sorts rear their ugly head. Does one then stand a fair chance of being that which one wishes to be, hoping to be defined in a way different.
To be born.
To be born to ones own life...no choice in the matter....for as an innocent infant....that fate was sealed...the fate of being born to a space, a life...to become yours and to be defined further....



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