let us be successful

 to be envious, to covet that which one so deeply fantasises about
how sinful it sounds of all decent things a potential blackout
to know the meaning of words and them use wisely
unless one has a black humour and uses words dryly.

the emancipation of constricted thought
rather progressive successful liberation be bought
the climb up the ladder does not get easier
the need to maintain the pace makes ones mind wheezier.


a goal set, the need to get there
disbelievers will watch and wonder ones goal be where
does it really matter what others think
for in ones resilience and growth not even a kink.

it be not in the possessions as much as the dream live
to attain whatever it is and thus rewards it will give
for rightfully so one should pamper oneself
if all those fantasies become a reality because in hard work one did delve.

to care not that the challenges be backbreaking
for the faith in the attainment ones core be shaking
and eventually to breathe at all that has past
looking back, the battle field does look vast.

to stir that yearning deep within
to not feed it with ones best attempt be a sin
no chance to let a good thing by
thus the success because the faith to try.



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