a Saturday affirmation...greetings!
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(VinothChandar) |
No limitations or boundaries as to what the dreams could be.
But, as with anything good, it is always balanced by the bad. Challenges...and in this case...nightmares. Black and heavy, be they. Wearing and tearing one down.
Thank goodness dreams and daydreams be more prevalent in their appearance than the opposing darkness.
The rainbow be ever present in those optimistic of thought, no matter the dark clouds. The faith be such that no human is born without a 'nightmare' of their own, and thus, there be no arrogance that ones burdens and challenges are any bigger or worse than the next persons.
I find people who wallow in self-pity, tragically, being blind to how their life could pan out. Their disbelief when a helping hand is extended . Their cynicism in the 'system' making them enemies of self.
How does one reach out and get through such a poor state of existence? What is it that does not allow such souls to understand and recognise a good thing when it stares them in the face.
Be it that need for self-destruction...a DNA strand part of ones birth... always digging and delving into anything that proves to them, they are not worthy of a daydream or dream colourful and rewarding.
How does one help such an individual?
I wander...for many a time frustration does know to set in when ones heart be heavy for one witnesses the crumbling and desperate need of an individual to rather reach out to define themselves as not worthy of anothers kindness and help....be it in the smallest of ways.
So should one define those people as lost souls and let them be?
Or, does one plod along and try and help further....i wonder what the answer may be.
I believe that once a colourful dream be dreamt, and a slight bit of it be tasted in reality...a miracle can happen.
...so, let us dream together and who knows what can happen...my dreams be a reality worthy of trying...have faith.
A beautiful Saturday i wish you.
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