today's crystal ball

Hold that crystal ball up for me
and let me see
for in the screen I see an image of self looking back
and to talk to me, that image oration does lack.
what see u in that crystal ball?
the sharing of affections deep, be the call?
oooh...too long the solitude of mind and thought,
now wishing erotically and seductively to be caught.
see u a lover on the horizon approach?
aaah...yes it is !...let me him my way coach!
with a flirtatious tease of what may be on offer
daring him to expose what may lie in my personal coffer.
a smile now, does know to light my face
having spotted him in the distance now to quicken the ,
for why waste time on finety and triviality
when both of us yearn to simply indulge in the moments actuality.
what be that actuality?
would it push the boundaries of morality,
or, would it simply know to surrender to sensuality
to know a lover to please and invite ain't no abnormality.


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