to survive the urban jungle

 How frail be an orchid, we are told
to carefully look after it for its beauty to unfold
a temperamental creation it be
providing the right environment be the key.

i looked upon its frailty
so delicate exquisite its affect on me
and wished upon myself to take
that natural beauty within me wake.

mother nature does know to set an example
sadly upon it many do trample
for the high rise and concrete jungle does beckon
anything not made of sand and stone, it deaden.

so against the tide i shall swim
on what technology deems to be progressive, the light i dim
and rather the light of my curiosity
on more natural things the attention shall be.

so the orchid in its frailty
be its strength to know my attention capture and beckon me
for it knows my spirit and soul to set free
and be prosperous and successful, in this urban jungle, progressively.



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