renaissance era - how i wish


And there I was ...again... continuing with my quest to further define my space in a manner telling of me. The need to express the very far left and the very far right pendulum swings that are obvious in my conduct of daily life.

Of course, there is a happy medium when it comes to the ‘trivialities’ of keeping in line with what life demands…ensuring one is not irresponsible or a menace and deterrence to the good of what society may have to offer.

But that inner self that knows itself so well, ringing strong and true, needs its space and freedom of expression. It knows not to hold back in its private space, serene in its growth , telling of its selfishness.

A good selfishness which we all should possess. It simply means the acknowledgement, acceptance and affirmation of who one may be. It also means not only focusing on the good characteristics one possesses but, knowing to deal with and face those irritating gremlins in our character, we all possess.

How lost we get in the demands of life, as I refer to ‘trivialities’..why call them so? Well…when that part of life knows to steal ones identity, ones time, value of being... then begins the slow degeneration into a state of confused unhappiness. Responsibility outweighing inner peace, inner recognition.

Of course it is a triviality for are there not more important things ones should take cognisance of ensuring a mindset rewarding , without sidestepping responsibilities?

Having been accused of being arty-farty, airy-fairy, philosophically nonsensical, unrealistically strong in faith and belief in purpose good, stubbornly spiritualistic and individualistic, blatantly and brutally truthful of which I most probably am, without turning my back on being a team player, I can only but smile and know these extreme tendencies of mine have me in a space more serene, realistic and frustratingly annoying to others, for they cannot grasp what drives me on an unapologetic journey forward.

So here I am…again…with all the hard work and frustrations and challenges faced to launch my e-commerce site, getting lost in the milieu of a ‘triviality’…deciding to take a step back and begin work on an expression of self contemplated some time back but, put on the back burner .

I have always been inspired and fascinated by those that have known to leave a mark of who they were or are, for the rest of mankind to enjoy or fear . Historical records and recollections of characters 'malignant' …reminding me how vicious and destroying mankind can be …while the beautiful historical moments captured in art, writing, music and other ways drives me to surround myself with that which brings out the best in me.

The Italian renaissance and Leonardo da Vinci - how I wish I had been present to experience the creation of much of his art…how I wish I could have been a student of his.

So…now happens my 'renaissance'... my ceiling my expression of colour and idea…for me to enjoy and for others sharing my space to see a little more of who I may be.

My workspace evloving….my countdown continuing…The RB Brand more and more defined...hopefully richer, deeper and sincerely telling in its integrity of being true to oneself and in ones share with you, Dear Reader.

And a question I pose...What be your renaissance moment where the self finds freedom to fly and express itself in a moment revealing and telling for others to share and see?



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