a short story revealing an awakening too late #2

(the fallen king -  the Bellum Sisters)
 Dear Reader.

...the continuation...

" He feasted on her zest for non-conformity yet, she showed a great respect and understanding of the universe and its balances. There was something quite naive, simple, uncomplicated how she wished her life into reality.
And, more frequently, he began to lose himself into thoughts unabashed, unapologetic for wanting to be selfish and irresponsible. There was no concern for the ripple effects.
For the first time in his life he realised what he was all about...her special, her beautiful...that is what she called him. A generosity of emotions began to awaken within him, as did thoughts of her...unexpected, disturbing, intrusive.
Suddenly, he realised, he needed her eyes to look upon him. He realised how her touch, her gentle caress, her laugh as she kissed him...those eyes telling of every emotion she felt, haunted him consistently...his subconscious becoming aware it was going too far. 

How did he get there?
It was simple.
It could not have become more quieter in his life. He was sitting at a crossroad and a choice had to be made before leaping into the cauldron that still held much uncertainty but, required a loyalty.
Theirs was a meeting of circumstance, a meeting where the script ran very different to what it was meant to be originally. And so began a friendship.
The signs had always been present that things were changing but, he fell deeper and deeper into her kind acceptance of him. It was those moments of intimacy that had managed to break the walls down.
He had forgotten what it meant to be tactile. Touch. The playfulness found in deep passion. Eroticism.
At every opportunity she would nuzzle into him. Her touch was gentle, firm, inviting. Certain that it wanted to caress him. Joviality an easy share as were the times when concern would eat away at her and she would become withdrawn, deep in thought yet, cling to him and ask him to wrap himself round her and hold her tight....assuring him that he was not forgotten no matter her circumstance. He loved that she needed his strength and asked for it.

But, it wasn't meant to be like that.
They had been two people who had met, lusted, surrendered to the devouring need to indulge in sexual pleasures.... mad, hot, uncontrolled.
His body shivered remembering the first time he had laid eyes on her.
It was an instant reaction. 

It didn't take more than a few hours to have them panting, eating away at each other, writhing, thrusting...two strangers who found comfort in their sexual needs being satiated in the most erotic uninhibited way.
He remembered how urgent his need had been. He remembered how urgent her need had been and how she had gripped and held onto him, pulling him harder and harder into her.
And then the surprise. The comfortable exhaustion laying with her , quiet next to him, her scent intoxicating.

A few days later and they found themselves sharing time...unnaturally familiar...both had nothing to do. Then a time arrived that he invited her over to his home. He laughed at the memory of that moment.
His question had been, "May i invite u over to my house for a light dinner?"
Her response was, "Your house or home?"
At that time, he had not realised the significant difference in those two words and it hit him. Yes. It was his house, not his home.
Her visits became more frequent. Their lovemaking became more free. Her spirit began to fill his house and he began to call it home. But, then, a dread began to settle in heart. There was something he had omitted to share with her. It didn't matter in the beginning but, the unfairness of the whole thing and a turmoil settled in his heart.
He was not an unfair man. Not deceptive by nature. He had just lost himself in the moment....the torture had begun....how was he to tell her?...(end to be posted by Sunday eve.)



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