a blast from the past
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(internet - powerofpositivity.com) |
" ...of recent he had been on a high, nothing disturbed his smug satisfaction with work, home and social dabbles.
A belief that he had found the balance to good living, even with all its challenges. In his fifties he had worried about such stupidities...with time the understanding that he wasn't alone in that boat and, in fact, many new liberties and freedoms could be embraced without having to excuse them as weaknesses or unfortunate dalliances, giving him a new found peace as to what his life was all about.
An acceptance that ageing was a natural phenomena not to be escaped, nor feared but, rather, understood and allowed to simply be there, without giving it much power and allowing it to make or break what defined his life.
And then the glitch that spoilt the long spell of equilibrium, so finely tuned was every aspect of his life.
No longer did that golden era of all things attained, reached, arrived at, accepted, discovered, deserved...seemed to be enough.
An attendance at the theatre and perchance spotting her...quite a shock... a forgotten dalliance of many many moons ago, with an unknown gentleman, was all it took.
She was none the wiser to his lingering gaze / intrusive gaze...constantly drawn in their direction...seated at such an angle that he had the pleasure...?...displeasure...?...of witnessing such pure uninterrupted affection and absorption of each other.
It looked as if they would sit in each others laps, if that were possible...closer than close they seemed to clutch to each others sides.
And, when their heads met , a whisper of some sort, they seemed to linger in their joining, wishing not to be separated, as if each others thoughts were flowing through that simple action of leaning toward each other.
He could glimpse the look in her eyes as she looked at her partner...and...he could imagine her partner looking back...most probably drowning in the pools of direct full attention and appreciation that was obvious in her gaze.
Her body spoke volumes...soft and pliable and seductive ,...gentle and caring to invite him closer into her form.
He could sense her partners melting, totally surrendered to her sensuality.
A sadness enveloped him, a sense of loss...he had been looking forward to the evenings events, loved that he was with his life-time partner...and reached out to take her hand.
"All OK dear?" is what she said
"Of course. why?"
"Well...what a pleasure to have u reaching for my hand.Quite unusual...u know I love u." she said.
He felt a stabbing pain, deep melancholy wash over him and wished he could reciprocate..........
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