a light caress of limbs

drenched be the bed with thoughts unhidden
luxurious and at liberty every flitting image
of him enveloped in the draping of limbs naked
no harnessing of lustful exposure
for... it be his to take.

hard beat the heart
gauged the shaft of a man hungry yet, controlled...
wishing only to revel in the serenity of a mind
lost to the harshness of anything hard core.
the lay of nakedness...all there. 
first...a light caress of limbs angled to catch his interest.
then to inhale the scent of sensuousness
womanliness...ripe...to be plucked by a caring hand...
 the need to steal himself away from thoughts
rushed and hungry
desirous to devour
rather, the selfish slow seduction of all his senses...
an engagement.
a slow pressing of a throbbing urgency against the 
revealed soft petals of her lusciousness .
to place himself firm
from the back
along the length of all she was.



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