bonds that bind

I have been asked, why do many of my pictures depict some form of ties such as ribbons. Is it a subtle message of dabbling in submission? Not at all.
Any form of ties in my pictures, represent the bonds of life...the bonds we tie ourselves too. The responsibilities and duties bestowed upon us with the passing of life.
As a child the innocence of youth begins to morph into personal ideals and aspirations...only to be warped, sometime, beyond recognition by factors influential in our environment. Society playing a huge role as to the paths travelled. And even if we may profess to be free of Spirit and independent of thought, with amazement, we find, that we are no more unique and free in our daily actions than anybody else. Here and there a hope, a rebellious tit-bit fighting back at the "in-the-box" thinking of an oppressive society.
I am not condoning or advertising radical behaviour detrimental to society as a whole or at the expense of ones well-being.

Those that reach new highs and accolades, or strike out, slightly deviant from the norm, yet not affecting the norm...are the mavericks that give hope, ask us to take our blinkers off and ...simply....look around....and take note of much that goes unsaid and unseen.
Common law used to dictate, right is right and wrong is grey areas.
Is it possible, by us moving those boundaries set by common law, we have made our lives so confusing and so shackled that we ourselves no longer know what is for what. And please do not confuse my post with the rights of every human being to co-exist with all in peace and harmony.
Our roots would show that humanity did know to be one, and, only once leaders began to drag us around by our noses, dictating their preferences and ideologies, did we become submissive to dictatorship of the most subtle kind under the umbrella and pretense of free choice.

We do not know what free choice is anymore, and even if we did....we are so confused and fucked up as to what is what, that i do not believe we would know anyway how to exist in peace.

And thus my pictures...

To  free ourselves of the bonds that blind us to truths we know and hold us down in their eagerness to keep us suppressed.

Namaste to all. 




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