is it taboo
a pain a jab in the eye did leave
to not be able to look, i did grieve
but then i reaffirmed a new elation
the mind to settle in an old application.
to not be able to look, i did grieve
but then i reaffirmed a new elation
the mind to settle in an old application.
an advocate i am of applying all senses
dropping ones guard and all pretenses
and seeing with the inner eye
the intensity of passions deep does not belie.
dropping ones guard and all pretenses
and seeing with the inner eye
the intensity of passions deep does not belie.
all of a sudden the hands do see
a touch the skin awakens with glee
a shudder intense within ones core
to erotica deep to open the door.
a touch the skin awakens with glee
a shudder intense within ones core
to erotica deep to open the door.
should one shy away from what one knows to be there
to starve oneself and pretend, would that be fair
is it taboo to satisfy a need
thus run in the opposite direction with great speed?
to know to find that happy ground
a place to let go safe and sound
where societies norms and rules and regulations
are not sidelined because one dabbles in erotic relations.
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