may i cushion your heart

"May i cushion your heart, softly ,in the folds of mine

May i gaze upon it gently, when my heart hungers.

I shall let it beat joyous, happy, strong

Lighting a smile on your face.

I shall shy away coyly, when u begin to notice the adoration in my eyes

I shall kiss your lips, in return, for they melt the core of my soul.

And, when u begin to wonder, in puzzlement, if i am in love with u

I shall allow my heart to feel the coldness of stone and recoil from your questions.

You shall never be any wiser of my gentle heart

That beats  in the wake and hope of my knight in Shining armour."

Reading various postings, many a time, the potential of a love affair between two people , rings loud in my head.

Cynics will say a dabbling in " heartache".

I would say it is all about the choice of the people involved.

Be real about what is on offer and the person who may be offering it. Sidestep that which u know in your heart of hearts is a no-go zone.... applicable in all walks of life.

To love...why not!



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