mirror, mirror

I had to stop and smile in amusement.

The mirror.
An item that never featured high on my list of priorities. An item, used to create the illusion of depth and space and add beauty in my home.
Never aware of my image nor tempted to look at the passing reflection of me.
Always comfortable and relaxed in my imperfections.Neither addicted nor obsessed with my image.
And when stared into, at the appropriate moments, a means to ensure i was, hopefully, appealing enough for a date or  presentable in my professional liaisons.
Now and again glancing to confirm all in place....rather a "quick-over" than a deliberate study.

How things change. It was the umpteenth time i looked at myself....actually scrutinized myself.
Exhausted, and the lines showed it . The hair not as fresh and bouncy as that morning ....the shoulders slightly rounded from the days work.
The mirror the boss now. A cruel boss.
A necessity
a reminder to look, project an image and illusion others want to buy into.....
A space occupied where ones image projected is the first step to the buy-in.
The importance of consistency over and over...... looking ones best.

How easy to lose oneself.
Either becoming  a narcissist lost in the image of oneself
becoming ones worst critic seeing imperfections as a curse....a deep set insecurity and self- loathing setting in.

Whichever way....an unhealthy imbalance could settle, influencing ones psyche and the way one interact with others.
A challenge worthy of note...to find that balance and revel in just being....

"Mirror mirror on the wall
Whose the fairest of them all..."



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