you will succeed

innocence asleep


And in my chair i sit and with fear i look

life itself so many pages written in its book

humans endevouring each other to crook

heaven forbid our actions for kindness mistook.


Children so innocent to this world born

parents to what lies ahead should them warn

and the innocence of youth tarnished fast, i mourn

our existence treated by most with scorn.


To what end is the future for the youth

their aspirations forward they will have to sleuth

and in their journey and endevours discover truth

and hopefully nothing about life too uncouth.


So for now young Souls of this world

revel in your life with innocence pearled

prepare yourself in reality to be hurled

in the milieu of life itself to be swirled.


Cynical it may sound i know

but i promise my life does different show

learning to prioritize and go with the flow

has given me success and simply to grow.


Never give into or believe the beaten

for then your mind by confusion will be eaten

do not let your steadfast resolve weaken

the solution to all, the possibilities to solve...the beacon.


You will succeed, you will make it work

and others who try to stop u, your success them will irk

be a diligent kind keeper of your life the clerk

and participate wisely in Life's cirque.





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