the cow is watching

The world has become smaller and smaller with the progress of technology. Social sites and media exposing and niggling into privacies that, before, would have gone to the grave with one. Now...there seems to be a need to share aspects of ones life globally with people from all paths of life.
One would imagine, with such exposure of self, there would be a greater level of acceptance, patience and understanding of ones differences, leading to a global community driven by the need to connect on a level peaceful and accommodating.
This global exposure of things happening in corners of the world one would never have access to, should be a good thing, leading to truths hidden by those with a strong political agenda. Global Society becoming less affected by the "sheep sydrome" where anything is believed and accepted, only because the press says so.
Or are we blind to how effective social media can be at exposing atrocities and lies and rather focusing on such a platform, merely to expose and promote ourselves....something like a TV reality show.
It is good to have a balance...and when posting, to read the stories that bring tears to ones eyes, to see pictures that make one cringe in ones chair in disbelief, to be humbled and grateful for the life one has when compared to those who suffer....
to never forget, even when promoting oneself, to extend a kind hand, lend a hearing ear or simply take note, for next time, to stand firm against that which is not right.
To have the courage to unite in peace rather than bear arms....even when penning words or in ones oration and speech.

And thus this day, like any other and my menagerie of cows and so many other and watch,

The caption for my picture is:

"The cow is watching."

Namaste to the World.



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