image of love...?

The sense of not fitting in is very universal. I want to tackle those sensibilities." - Jon favreau director.
Movie - "Jungle Book".

At birth, each human is gifted  with the ability to be stirred on various levels through influences stimulating any one of our senses....including our "sixth" sense.
We are also granted the freedom to choose....a universal principle in place before any man made laws or politicizing ever took place.
In the creation of mankind , the Power above created us in the image of love....different yet the same.
We we granted intelligence, the ability to experience and learn and adapt when necessary.

Created in the image of love?
The blinding imperfections, unfairness, cruelty and callous coldness , devious underhandedness....?
Created by?

Our ability to reason , has become our weapon of destruction. We use it to manipulate, war and stir negativities.
A cruel game is being played here. We are at the mercy of each other, teetering on hatred of each others differences. Giving power to atrocities committed in all forms.
We rant and rave and spit vile defamatory obnoxious vomit at each other.
Our skin colour, our gender, our religion a mistake to be judged by another imperfect human being.
Our birth a mistake.
We have made a mockery of life and arrogantly flaunt our stupidity in the face of all that is.

My stomach churns and my head pounds....this past year worse than the previous....we dare not, not hold out hope, for the forthcoming 2017. We cannot be that stupid after all?



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