intelligence and wisdom...what may it be.

If one were to measure intelligence, how would it be done. Would one not first define what intelligence may be. For like beauty, that happens to be in the eye of the beholder, does intelligence hold same for everybody. And thus the dictionary definition  Intelligence - "the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills."
A broad term covering a spectrum of capabilities. 
But, what if some of those capabilities hold no importance to an individual...does it make them less intelligent.

 What is definition - "the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgement."
 In order to be wise, would one not have to have some level of intelligence, that capability to accumulate experience and knowledge worthy of having...not just some waffle along the way. 
One hears the term street wise bandied around often...would that mean that those less fortunate who have  resorted to crimes of any sort and referred to as street wise , can be deemed intelligent in their own right. Having the skills and capabilities to learn and apply what may be required to survive a life on the street. Yet place them in an environment different , in a society where diplomacy reigns as does law and order a different set of skills required, does that 'street wise' cred carry any weight and earns the respect of recognition...or would one consider them uncouth, unintelligent, dangerous and not worthy of association and investment into their persona?
And if the situation was visa versa, where the suit be placed on the long would he survive with his level of intelligence.
How quickly we judge people that may be different from ourselves...not taking the time to understand where they may be coming from. How quickly we know to be arrogant for we think our way in society is deemed correct, intelligent and wise.
It is quite amazing what gems are to be found in those that may have not had the chance to display their level of intelligence due to the impatience and arrogance of a modern society that defines them as a waste of time.

  Now ask yourself....who have u lately considered intelligent and why? Are they truly worthy of the title? And those that u have sidestepped for u deem them less intelligent...why would that be? the job held, less riches, wrong car or clothes worn....a different way of expressing oneself...
i wonder how many people may have thought your level of intelligence was questionable......?
To question intelligence...a topic huge, of which i have superficially touched on but, worthy of much debate and thought.


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