when bias can go very wrong

How biased news can be. 
Being an ardent watcher of global affairs, there was a time i diligently switched between the various news channels, hoping to catch up on the atrocities of the world.
I say atrocities, for there is very little reported that does not involve wars, killings, threats, demands and accusations. 
The only consistent 'light' news one gets to hear is the weather...and even that may be challenging if storms are forecast....and sport news...that too may leave mixed feelings if ones team is on the losing streak 
Lately, i have found myself hooked on CNN and the constant reporting of their new President , Mr Donald Trump.
All of a sudden the focus has shifted, nearly 180 degrees, from terrorist attacks, wars, and the like and is dedicated to the progress and action of their President. 
It got me to wandering if the Turner broadcasting system, is for, or anti their President. 
Their anchor journalists constantly trying to bait their guests into saying something derogatory about Mr Trump.

There was never a time i disliked the gentleman, never a time i questioned his capabilities, never a time i didn't think he may just get it right.
He came at a time when propaganda was at its highest, where truths were being polished over and swept under the carpet and those in power, representing the great USA, were bringing it into such disrepute with their war-mongering and deceitful games. 
Their disrespect of their citizens obvious in the drop of their economy while billions were invested in wars abroad.
Then appears a man who shouts...AMERICA FIRST....with such passion and zeal....bringing home a message, an agenda shaking the core and cracked foundation of a country on the precipice of being labelled a global dictator and hypocrite of peace not befitting of the title  "leader of the Free World". 
And when President Donald Trump says ....'The American Flag is what he works for. The American People is who he works for..." one cannot but salute the man.
He may not be a politician, he may not have the fineties of political office, and he may not be good for the global political affairs....but then again....he just may.
And for those who may not think much of Mr Vladimir Putin, he too is another leader i take my hat off to.....he too puts Russia first, Her flag flies high, She is back in her rightful place.
And just like President Trump will do whatever it takes to secure the boarders of his country, instigating a barrage of criticism and hatred at home and even abroad...a sad necessity for their will always be those that will test the resilience of true global leaders, their country and their people...so Mr Putin's path of leadership has been no different.


Now if only the government in South Africa...
knew to fly the South African flag high, knew to put it first and its people instead of fighting for the ANC flag, fighting for personal status and worrying more about their personal agenda. 
A freedom fought, the battle forgotten, the people abused, the youth despondent, education failing...
...woa is South Africa with a leader who cannot even understand that South Africa is not his but rather the other way round... and...  he belongs to the people of South Africa.



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