radical unsettling?

When a crowd is too loud. When too much advise can only harm. When allowing unsettled thoughts the boat to rock...then a path becomes murky, confused, the unknown and uncertainty gnawing away at what should be done.
Observing from the side, hearing opinions different ...where questions running amok in ones mind can  lead to clarity .
And where would that clarity of thought come from?
Not shutting oneself off...yet doing so.....to those that are critical and subjective in their viewpoint.
And when not to shut oneself off.... if doubt, in self, be too deep then the best to seek the company of the wise, the stable, the sincere...hear them, watch them, ask them. Be silent when given advise, even if it burns for an answer, a retort, an explanation...an excuse.
To travel a path new, a mindset never considered before, a courageous choice to step out of the norm of ones ways and try that of another that has proven to be more rewarding ...is a path travelled by a wise mature mind....a mind that wishes to better oneself...a mind set on finding solutions rather than stagnating in self- pity and concern . It is a mind taking ownership and accountability for ones actions,  rather than pointing an accusatory finger outward at another.
Sometimes things are out of ones control...roll after roll after roll of challenges...a muddy landslide threatening ones sanity.
Sometimes that landslide a necessity to jolt one on another path required...
the fear though...be one to try...worse would be ...if one cannot turn ones back on that which needs to be forgotten and changed...months later, finding that no progress has been made and thus stuck in quicksand, pulled in deeper and deeper .

An awakening is taking place where most are asking....why am i here? Do i not deserve better? .... good questions....but what may be the answer, the solution....hopefully not a radical unsettling at the expense of others in society.



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