it doesn't go unnoticed

Is it possible that one can do anything unconditionally....give of self so deep that be not the matter to oneself.
When the care for the others state of mind, well-being raises feelings of concern and love wishing upon them that immeasurable success, a flow of energies positive....a space where the clarity of mind recognises and acknowledges the path forward filled with spirituality wise , faith deep, love sincere, care eternal.
Would one call such people guardian angels
....good Samaritans?
Do we all deserve such blessings in our lives, or is it reserved for but a few who have managed, through their behaviour, to reap support , care , recognition , respect and the patience and trust to be invested in.
The universe is an awesome place. It watches us 24/7....never sleeping....ticking and crossing off our existence in every incomprehensible zillionth of a second of our existence.
What a compliment when one is chosen by such a guardian angel to receive their trust and care and support. 
And what an idiot one would be if such care was brushed off as nothing more than an expected favour, its worth discredited and treated as a game of intrigue to enrich oneself of whatever the other may be giving.
Sometimes we will ourselves into seeing the beauty of another...sometimes we will ourselves to be part of that game of intrigue, even when the subconcious knows what may be happening.
When a person unfairly be treated, their day will come too, when the universe will reward them tenfold more because of their integrity and sincerity in the dealing of another. doesn't go unnoticed.

So, may this Sunday be a day fulfilled with giving and receiving, a Sunday rich.




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