have the intent to truly listen and hear
There are certain pieces of music that know to pull on ones heartstrings. Which strings may those be, one is unable to pinpoint or define...and the reason as to why they manage to do so....well again....
Could it be with every note composed, with every instrument conducted....that piece slowly seeps into the room , finding every nook and cranny, those dark corners never visited, where cobwebs have made it their home.
Could it be...
all of a sudden
the ears not only listen but, hear... hear with every pore of ones body, every nerve awakening , tingling
reaching out toward the notes.
Yet. Still not enough. The shear gentle weaving as a violin knows to make the heart and eyes want to weep...weep for what is being expressed. Finding a nostalgia of another yet, 'relate-able' and personal.
Wanting to be blanketed in nothing but, the sheer rise and fall as the conductor waves his baton inviting you into the world of a piece written ...written to capture your imagination through emotion.
And the piece i am referring to, in this case, is the theme song from Schindler's list
...do go and enjoy on Youtube conducted by John Williams ( featuring Itzhak Perlman)
...have the intent to absorb the piece so deep within yourself that that, which is written, strikes you into complete and utter silence, losing the ability to breathe...until that violin stops...
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